I've decided to write down all things I've become familiar with today, for I'm simply forgetting everything.
Maybe, my main problem is my curiosity towards practically everything I see on my way. I'm an informational maniac, for sure.
I've started my "additional education" several days ago, when I ran into a book about motivation in IT companies. It helped me to look at my work from the other side.
Here it is:
http://motivateme.ru/book (in Russian)
Then, I ran into
some advice given by a serious guy Ashmanov. He's been publishing his stories and rules for several years, talking about project management and efficient usage of human resources (programmers, mostly).
After that I've examined a nice site about
Java Practices, commonly used and advised for active usage.
Today was a nice day also. I've got some infromation about what REST is, what are the differences between REST and SOAP.
In brief, REST is a style of software architecture, where pages are requesting some resource instead of asking some procedure or service to execute (SOAP approach).
(Some articles on the topic:
briefly in Russian,
Rest explained to one's wife)
My morning started with blogroll, including Habrahabr with its nice articles about
Io programming language and
Then, I've had a look at Test-driven development book by Kent Beck, and tried to run some test for out project using JUnit plugin for IntellijIdea. It was not so easy to make Idea work as I wished, for she didn't want to see any classes from junit.jar, attached as a module dependency.
Then I've just deleted the stupid imports, generated automatically by test generator, and marked the directory with my test class as a "test" one. After that, Idea willingly offered me to add "junit.jar" to the classpath, and here we are))
What concerns TDD, this field should be explored more deeply, and I've got 2 nice books for that: one by Kent Beck, and another one, by Vincent Massol, called "JUnit in action" (btw, I adore the typography in this book, fonts are just marvellous). In general, this book is a nice way to get acquainted with JUnit framework from the inside.
Just a nice service, making your own 3d pixel pictures:
And I've also had a look at online project management services, one by 37signals,
Basecamp, and another one --
I was very disappointed to know that Basecamp offers only a trial 30-days version for its projects handling, I like this system personally)
What concerns Trac, it's opensource, and seems to be free of charge, still it cannot be used without SVN (that's another question for research, I'm not sure...)
While looking for another solution (what I need is a small application for project management), i've found
Goplan, and it's quite nice) Tasks, tickets, everything is free, except calendar feature, to my great disappointment...